Suit-up Solutions

Transform Digitise Innovate

We help businesses navigate the digital landscape with proven solutions that drive growth and efficiency. From strategy to execution, our expertise ensures seamless digital transformation.

Our Services

Business process transformation

We leverage solutioning tools such as Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) and Service Blueprints to identify breakpoints in internal SOPs and procedures. We aim to help you develop processes that are more efficient or better aligned with specific metrics.

Technical Expertise & Advisory

Deploy the latest technologies with guidance from our experts. Whether you need architecture planning, system integration or technology selection, we provide the insights and support to help you make informed decisions.

UX evaluation and redesign

We conduct heuristic evaluations using established UX frameworks and tests to assess the existing usability of a prototype/product. Our redesign process is grounded in established UX principles, such as Don Norman's, and involves translating academic research into actionable UX solutions.

Software Development & Process Automation

Build scalable, secure, and high-performing digital solutions. Eliminate inefficiencies and streamline workflows with intelligent automation.

Behavioral Science Consulting

We use empirically validated behavioural science and “nudge” frameworks, such as the MINDSPACE, EAST, and COM-B models, to help optimize processes, products, and services to drive the desired outcomes.

Training & Capacity Building

Empower your teams with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a digital world. Our training programs cover software development, digital transformation, and emerging technologies.

If you're a

Business owner...
  • aspiring to increase customer satisfaction
  • looking to re-design your company's workflows for greater productivity
  • considering digitalised services to improve branding and customer experience
  • with an idea to implement in code
  • looking for UI/UX expertise
  • needing help with your frontend/backend development efforts
  • looking to apply design thinking in your business processes
  • interested in developing employee capabilities
  • with a prerogative to keep up-to-date with the latest in IT trends

Some of our work

Chrome extension for data collection

We developed a Chrome extension for a Chrome 1:1 rollout in Taiwan to collect telemetry data such as:

  • Installed extensions
  • Browsing history
  • Geolocation
Drone programming

For a competition showcase, a customer needed a low-cost consumer drone to fly pseudo-autonomously through a series of obstacles.

We developed a Python script that used machine learning to help it navigate through the hurdles without human intervention.

GCP kill switch

A customer needed a solution to monitor their Google Cloud Platform spending with the ability to terminate rogue projects incurring excessive costs.

We developed a solution using Google Cloud Functions and Telegram.

Collaborative Development

Do you have a software project in need of development?

Quality software applications need time and effort to nurture. To make them, we embark on long term relationships with you to grow your ideal software project.

Talk to us and explore possibilities in developing your project, either through a long-term vendor engagement or joint-ownership.